2024 Guide

The 3rd Pillar

In 2024 62% of Swiss people have a 3rd pillar, but what exactly is a 3rd pillar and what are these advantages?

What is the 3rd pillar?

It is a sum of money that you can accumulate during your working life in a bank or with an insurance company. The 3rd pillar is part of the Swiss pension system, it is a private and optional pension plan that aims to complement the benefits offered by the 1st and 2nd pillars.

There are two types of 3rd pillar: Pillar 3a, which offers specific tax advantages, but can only be withdrawn under certain conditions, and Pillar 3b, which offers greater flexibility, but does not offer dedicated tax advantages except in some cantons. Pillar 3a is the most popular and the most frequently adopted.

Why is the 3rd pillar important?

It is no longer a secret for anyone, our pensions are in danger and the majority of us will receive insufficient income to live comfortably in retirement by relying only on the 1st and 2nd pillars, a situation that is becoming even more pronounced with future reforms and the loss of our purchasing power due to inflation.

The reality is that pensions from the 1st and 2nd pillars generally only cover between 50% and 60% of your last salary before you retire. This proportion decreases even more if you have a high income. For example, In 2024, pension benefits received at age 65 amount to 4,078 francs on average, an amount that often struggles to guarantee a comfortable standard of living.

The aim of the 3rd pillar is to fill this gap. by allowing you to accumulate capital to supplement your income for retirement. By starting to save early and by contributing regularly to your 3rd pillar, you can significantly improve your retirement income to comfortably enjoy your old age.

Although the 3rd pillar is primarily designed for retirement, it also offers flexibility to fund other life projects, depending on whether you opt for pillar 3a (linked pension) or pillar 3b (free pension).

5 reasons to do a 3rd pillar

Source: Federal Statistical Office

How can I withdraw capital from the 3rd pillar?

Pillar 3a

By default, the capital from the 3rd pillar 3a is used for retirement., this means that you can withdraw this capital at age 65.

However, it is also possible to withdraw it under certain conditions:

  1. Regular withdrawal: at retirement age, at age 65
  2. From the age of 60, it is possible to withdraw the capital to retire early
  3. The purchase of real estate that will serve as a main residence
  4. If you leave Switzerland permanently
  5. If you are starting a business as a freelancer
  6. If you become 100% disabled

If you decide to continue working after age 65, you can continue to make contributions and delay the withdrawal of your capital for up to 5 years.

Pillar 3a is therefore a locked savings that is only used for major projects, in return the Swiss Confederation encourages you to open a pillar 3a by significantly reducing the amount of your taxes. It is therefore one of the best ways to save for your projects while taking advantage of very advantageous taxation.

Pillar 3b

There are no conditions for withdrawing a 3rd pillar 3b, so you are free to use the accumulated capital at any time. However, pillar 3b generally does not offer tax advantages except in the cantons of Geneva and Fribourg.

The 3rd pillar 3a can also be used to buy your main residence

What are the tax advantages of the 3rd pillar in 2024?

Pillar 3a

The Swiss Confederation encourages the opening of a 3rd pillar 3a by granting tax advantages that make it possible to pay less taxes each year.

3rd pillar 3a taxation is very advantageous, the amounts invested each year in pillar 3a are fully deductible from your taxable income

In 2024, the maximum amount that you can deduct from the 3rd pillar 3a is as follows:

  • Up to CHF 7,056.- tax deduction per year for an employed person
  • Up to CHF 35'280.- tax deduction per year for a self-employed person not affiliated to a pension fund (but at most 20% of net income)

Pillar 3b

At the federal level, there are no specific tax advantages for the 3rd pillar 3b, except in the cantons of Geneva and Fribourg where it is possible to take advantage of tax deductions.

Maximum deductible amounts in the cantons of Geneva and Fribourg

Who can benefit from the tax advantages of the 3rd pillar?

Pillar 3a and Pillar 3b tax deductions are possible unconditionally for Swiss citizens and C permit holders.

For people with other types of permits such as: B license, G license, L license and Ci license. It is necessary to meet certain conditions in order to benefit from the tax deductions of the 3rd pillars 3a and 3b, our articles on the subject will allow you to determine if this is possible for you.

3rd pillar and B license?

What are the other benefits of the 3rd pillar?


Who can subscribe to a 3rd pillar?

It is possible to subscribe to a 3rd pillar from the age of 18. We recommend that you do this as soon as you start working. Indeed, it is never too early to invest in a 3rd pillar.

Pillar 3a

Anyone receiving a lucrative income subject to AHV has the option of subscribing to a 3rd pillar 3a.

Employees as well as self-employed persons have the option of subscribing to pillar 3a. People receiving unemployment benefits can also subscribe to pillar 3a.

On the other hand, people with no income or at the end of their unemployment benefits are not eligible to subscribe to pillar 3a.

The 3rd linked pillar is available to residents in Switzerland as well as to cross-border workers working in Switzerland.

Pillar 3b

The subscription to a pillar 3b, also called free 3rd pillar, is not subject to no special conditions, it is available to everyone, even those without a lucrative income.

How do you choose between pillar 3a and pillar 3b?

The decision between these two options depends closely on your current financial situation, your long-term pension goals, and your personal and professional plans. To help you navigate this decision, we've written a detailed article that explores in depth the characteristics, benefits, and considerations specific to each pillar. This article aims to provide you with the information you need to make the right choice, aligned with your needs and future aspirations.

How do I launch my 3rd pillar?

A 3rd pillar can be launched either with the bank or with an insurance company, there are a multitude of different solutions on the market and it is highly recommended that you compare the various offers and options available.

It is also important to define which options and choices are most suited to your situation and your goals before launching your 3rd pillar, our article on the 4 steps before launching your 3rd pillar will help you make the right decisions.

Our advisors are also available to help and advise you, Indeed, unlike banks or insurance companies, we are an independent consulting company that partners with almost all banks and insurers on the market, we are therefore in a position to offer you all the 3rd pillar solutions currently available while advising you in a neutral and independent manner. Thanks to us you have a single contact person who allows you to compare and find the 3rd pillar solution that will be the most interesting for you.


Piliersuisse.ch est le site de référence sur la prévoyance suisse. Notre but est d’offrir les informations les plus pertinentes sur la prévoyance et le 3ème pilier, tout en offrant en complément un conseil de première qualité. Nos spécialistes s'occupent de sélectionner les meilleures offres du marché et vous profitez d'un conseil sur mesure.


Qu'est ce que le 3ème pilier ?

En Suisse, le système de prévoyance repose sur trois piliers. Le 3e pilier est une épargne facultative et privée qui vient compléter les prestations des 1er et 2e piliers pour garantir un niveau de vie suffisant à la retraite. Introduit en 1972, il permet de constituer un capital ou une rente complémentaire aux rentes AVS et LPP. Il se divise en deux parties : le pilier 3a, à versements liés avec des avantages fiscaux, et le pilier 3b, à versements libres offrant plus de flexibilité mais moins d'avantages fiscaux.

Qui peut cotiser au 3ème pilier ?

Toute personne exerçant une activité professionnelle en Suisse est éligible à cotiser au 3ème pilier 3a. Cela inclut les salariés, les indépendants, et même les personnes sans activité lucrative sous certaines conditions. Le pilier 3a est particulièrement avantageux pour ceux qui souhaitent réduire leur charge fiscale tout en épargnant pour leur retraite.

Le pilier 3b est ouvert à tous, sans restrictions spécifiques.

Quel est le montant maximum déductible du 3ème pilier en 2024 ?

En 2024, le montant maximum déductible pour le pilier 3a est fixé à CHF 7'056 pour les salariés affiliés à une caisse de pension et à CHF 35'280 (ou jusqu'à 20% du revenu net d'activité) pour les indépendants sans caisse de pension. Ces plafonds sont sujets à ajustement, offrant ainsi une opportunité d'économiser sur les impôts tout en se préparant pour la retraite. Pour plus de détails sur les déductions fiscales, lisez notre guide ici.

Comment peut-on retirer son 3ème pilier ?

Le retrait du 3ème pilier 3a est généralement prévu pour la retraite, mais il est possible sous certaines conditions (achat d'un logement principal, départ définitif de la Suisse, activité indépendante) de le retirer de manière anticipée. Chaque situation a des implications fiscales et doit être considérée attentivement. Apprenez-en plus sur les conditions de retrait ici.

Pour le 3ème pilier 3b, il n'existe aucune condition spécifique pour retirer le capital. Consulter notre article sur le 3ème pilier 3b pour en savoir plus.

Qui touche le 3ème pilier en cas de décès ?

En cas de décès, le capital du 3ème pilier 3a est versé aux bénéficiaires désignés dans le contrat. Sans désignation, il suit l'ordre successoral par défaut: 1. conjoint ou partenaire enregistré, 2. descendants directs, 3. parents, 4. frères et sœurs, 5. les autres héritiers. Vous pouvez uniquement modifier l'ordre pour les 3e, 4e et 5e position.

Comment choisir son 3ème pilier ?

Choisir son 3ème pilier implique de considérer plusieurs facteurs : pilier 3a ou 3b, banque ou assurance, taux d'intérêt et rendement, flexibilité des versements, options de placement, et couvertures d'assurance associées. Il est essentiel de définir ses objectifs de prévoyance et de comparer les offres.

Quel est le meilleur 3ème pilier ?

Le "meilleur" 3ème pilier dépend des besoins individuels en matière de prévoyance, de la situation fiscale, et des objectifs d'épargne. Il est recommandé de comparer les offres en termes de rendement, de flexibilité, de couverture d'assurance et de faire appel à un conseiller en prévoyance.

Est-il préférable de faire un rachat 2ème pilier (lpp) ou lancer 3ème pilier ?

La question de savoir s'il est préférable de faire un rachat dans le 2ème pilier (prévoyance professionnelle, LPP) ou d'investir dans le 3ème pilier (prévoyance privée) est complexe et dépend de plusieurs facteurs personnels et financiers. Chaque option présente des avantages spécifiques et doit être choisie en fonction de vos objectifs à long terme, de votre situation fiscale, de vos besoins de prévoyance et de votre situation familiale.

Étant donné la complexité des choix entre le rachat 2ème pilier et l'investissement dans le 3ème pilier, il est essentiel de se faire conseiller par un professionnel. Un conseiller peut analyser votre situation personnelle et financière, prendre en compte vos objectifs de prévoyance et vous aider à prendre une décision éclairée. L'approche individuelle est cruciale, car ce qui est avantageux pour une personne peut ne pas l'être pour une autre.

En tant qu'indépendant que dois-je choisir entre le 2ème ou le 3ème pilier ?

Pour les indépendants, le choix entre le 2ème pilier (prévoyance professionnelle) et le 3ème pilier (prévoyance privée) est crucial et doit être basé sur une analyse approfondie de leur situation personnelle et financière. Ce choix dépend de plusieurs facteurs, tels que les objectifs de prévoyance à long terme, la situation fiscale, les besoins de liquidités, et les perspectives de revenu.

Étant donné la diversité des situations individuelles et la complexité des règlements régissant les piliers de prévoyance en Suisse, il est fortement recommandé aux indépendants de consulter un conseiller en prévoyance. Un professionnel peut vous aider à évaluer les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque option, à comprendre les implications fiscales et à élaborer une stratégie de prévoyance personnalisée qui correspond à vos objectifs et à votre situation financière.

Up to 600 francs offered when you subscribe to a 3rd pillar
Take advantage of the offer
About us
The first site for information and comparison on the 3rd pillar, Piliersuisse.ch provides you with information and advice on pension provision in Switzerland. We advise you on the best ways to improve your retirement, optimize your taxation and choose the best solution among the various companies on the market.
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